On Fri, Aug 29, 2003 at 03:45:50PM -0400, Thor Lancelot Simon wrote:
> I think there's some confusion of terminology here.  A "time", Ti for each
> iteration of the algorithm, is one of the inputs to the X9.17 generator
> (otherwise, you might as well just use DES/3DES in any chaining or feedback
> mode, for all practical purposes).  

Indeed.  One of the problems with ANSI X9.17's description of this PRNG
is that it isn't obvious that the implementation needs to re-sample DT
(it's date/time vector; NIST requires that this changes every round) and
re-encrypt it every round.  (This error in interpretation is prevalent
enough that it is depicted incorrectly in the HAC and Counterpane's PRNG
attack paper).

ANSI X9.31 does a better job of specifying it.

> However, it has always been permitted
> to use a free-running counter instead of the time, and indeed the current 
> interpretation by NIST *requires* that a counter, not the time, be used.

"always" is a strong term, but they have allowed it for the last 4 years
or so, anyway.  I don't think that I've seen any guidance from NIST that
disallows an actual clock, but they do want the value to change every
round, so it would have to be a fast clock or a slow implementation to
fulfill the requirement in this way.


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