At 12:45 PM -0700 9/23/03, Anne & Lynn Wheeler wrote:
>At 01:06 PM 9/23/2003 -0400, R. A. Hettinga wrote:
>so ignore for the moment the little indiscretion
> Proposal for a new PKI model (At
>least I hope it's new)
> Proposal for a new PKI model (At
>least I hope it's new)
>and the part of turning a simple authentication problem into a
>significantly harder and error prone (along with exploits and
>vulnerabilities ... not to say expensive) problem:
> Is cryptography where security
>took the wrong branch?
> Is cryptography where security
>took the wrong branch?
> Resolving an identifier into a
>there has been the some past discussions of what happens to long term CA
>private key management over an extended period of time, possibly involving
>several corporate identities. Checking latest release browsers ... I find
>two CA certificates for GTE cybertrust ... one issued in 1996 and good for
>10 years and another issued in 1998 and good for 20 years.
>so lets say as part of some audit ... is it still possible to show that
>there has been long term, continuous, non-stop, highest security custodial
>care of the GTE cybertrust CA private keys. If there hasn't ... would
>anybody even know? ... and is there any institutional memory as to who
>might be responsible for issuing a revokation for the keys? or responsible
>for notifying anybody that the certificates no longer need be included in
>future browsers?
>Anne & Lynn Wheeler
>Internet trivia 20th anv

Note that proposals such as Tyler Close's YURL
< > avoid the issue of trust in the
TTP/CA.  As such, I find them attractive whenever they can be used.

Cheers - Bill

Bill Frantz        | "There's nothing so clear as   | Periwinkle
(408)356-8506      | vague idea you haven't written | 16345 Englewood Ave | down yet." -- Dean Tribble     | Los Gatos, CA 95032

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