
I've been experimenting with ways to use XML-ENC to compact the wire format 
and provide a high degree of security.  The following is a notational example 
of the the current 'thought' of the methodology.  I would like to ask for 
input as to potential security holes to this method.


-Matt Long
Phalanx Systems, LLC

The concept is to super-encrypt a message.  The method would:
(1) Encrypt message with symmetric key algorithm, i.e., cipher1
(2) RSA_Encrypt (SHA1(message) + symmetric key) with sender's RSA private key
(3) Encrypt cipher1 with symmetric key algorithm, i.e., cipher2
(4) RSA_Encrypt (symmetric key2) with receiver's RSA public key
(5) Send super-encrypted message
(6) RSA_Decrypt (symmetric key2) with receiver's RSA private key
(7) Decrypt(cipher2) 
(8) RSA_Decrypt (symmetric key1), parse out digest, i.e., SHA1(message)
(9) Decrypt(cipher1)
(10) compare digest with SHA1(Decrypt(cipher1))

Sender's Algorithm

SymmetricKey1 = 3DES_IV1, 3DES_Key1
Cipher1 = 3DES_Encrypt(message)
Digest = SHA1(message)
RSA_Key1 = RSA_Private_Encrypt(Digest || 3DES_Key1)

SymmetricKey2 = 3DES_IV2, 3DES_Key2
Cipher2 = 3DES_Encrypt(Cipher1)
RSA_Key2 = RSA_Public_Encrypt(3DES_Key2)

Receiver's Algorithm

3DES_Key2 = RSA_Private_Decrypt(RSA_Key2)
Cipher1 = 3DES_Decrypt(Cipher2)

Digest || 3DES_Key1 = RSA_Public_Decrypt(RSA_Key1)
message = 3DES_Decrypt(Cipher1)

Compare Digest with SHA1(message)

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