it isn't sufficient that you show there is some specific authentication protocol with unread, random data ... that has countermeasures against a dual-use attack ... but you have to exhaustively show that the private key has never, ever signed any unread random data that failed to contain dual-use countermeasure attack.

Why isn't it sufficient? (Quick: when was the last time anyone on this list authenticated by signing unread random data?)

The way the industry is going, user keypairs live in a desktop keystore, and are used for very few applications. I'd bet the vast majority of usages are client-side SSL, signing, and encryption.

If this de facto universal usage suite contains exactly one authentication protocol that has a built-in countermeasure, then when this becomes solid, we're done.

Our energy would be better spent on the real weaknesses: such as the ease of getting desktops to just cough up the private key, or to use it for client-side SSL without ever informing the user.

And on the real problems: such as using the standard suite to get the trust assertions to match the way that trust really flows in the real world.


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