Taral wrote:
On Wed, Feb 09, 2005 at 07:41:36PM +0200, Amir Herzberg wrote:

Want to protect your Mozilla/FireFox from such attacks? Install our TrustBar: http://TrustBar.Mozdev.org
(this was the first time that I had a real reason to click the `I don't trust this authority` button...)


Why should I trust you? Filtering xn--* domains works for me, and
doesn't require that I turn my browser over to unreviewed, possibly
buggy code.

Sorry if I was not clear: I don't propose you install TrustBar because YOU need it as a solution. Many people on this list are security/crypto experts, interested in finding good solutions (for all/many users, not just for themselves), and my message was for them. And yes, while TrustBar works fine for me and apparently quite a few others, the current code is only a research prototype (on the other hand, I had already the good fortune of seeing similar research code being adopte3d by many products... e.g. with our IP-Sec code).

Best, Amir

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