Jonathan Thornburg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>Melting the CD should work... but in practice that takes a specialized "oven"
>(I seriously doubt my home oven gets hot enough), and is likely to produce
>toxic fumes, and leave behind a sticky mess (stuck to the surface of the
>specialized oven).

For no adequately explored reason I've tried various ways of physically
destroying CDs:

- Hammer on hard surface: Leaves lots of little fragments, generally still stuck
  together by the protective coating.

- Roasting over an open fire: Produces a Salvador Dali effect until they catch
  fire, then huge amounts of toxic smoke ("fulfilling our carbon tax quota"
  was one comment) and equally toxic-looking residue.

- Propane torch: Melts them without producing combustion products.

- Skilsaw: Melts them together at the cutting point, rest undamaged.

- Axe: Like skilsaw but without the melting effect.

- Using the propane torch and hammer to try and drop-forge a crude double-
  density CD: Messy.


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