Anne & Lynn Wheeler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> ... [lengthy discussion about why on-line communication is better
> than off-line for strangers becoming introduced to one another] ...

That may well be, but no claim was made that off-line communication is
as efficient as on-line for introducing and certifying strangers to
one another.  It was only claimed that players who have to remain
geographically hidden would lose their protection if deprived of
off-line communication.  This is because in the on-line, low-latency
case, an attacker can locate the end-points through traffic analysis.
Only off-line does the option exist of untraceable traffic mixing such
as remailer chains.

This subject is on-topic here because cryptography is an indispensable
ingredient of these untraceable traffic mixes.

 -- StealthMonger
         <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
         <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
         <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   stealthmail: Scripts to hide whether you're doing email, or when,
   or with whom.

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