Eric Rescorla wrote:

At Wed, 23 Jul 2008 17:32:02 -0500,
Thierry Moreau wrote:

Anne & Lynn Wheeler wrote about various flavors of certificateless public key operation in various standards, notably in the financial industry.

Thanks for reporting those.

No doubt that certificateless public key operation is neither new nor absence from today's scene.

The document I published on my web site today is focused on fielding certificateless public operations with the TLS protocol which does not support client public keys without certificates - hence the meaningless security certificate. Nothing fancy in this technique, just a small contribution with the hope to facilitate the use of client-side PKC.

uses a similar technique: certificates solely as a key carrier authenticated by an out-of-band exchange.

In draft-ietf-sip-dtls-srtp-framework, the detailed scheme uses self-signed certificates created by client end-entities themselves. The basic idea is identical. At the detailed level in my document, the client end-entity "auto-issues" a security certificate with a "breached" CA private key.

In the TLS Certificate request message, a list of CA distinguished names is provided to the end entity. Referring to a "breached" CA public key is an invitation to submit a meaningless end-entity certificate, making the detailed scheme "more plain" with respect to TLS options (i.e. an empty list in a certificate request message could be a not so well supported mode in TLS software implementations).

So, maybe the reference to the notion of self-signed EE certificates in draft-ietf-sip-dtls-srtp-framework could be replaced by "meaningless EE certificates" (or something else), which would include both self-signed or auto-issued. In such a case, the RFC publication for my document would become more pressing.

A related discussion occurred on the IETK PKIX mailing list in June 2008 under the subject "RFC 5280 Question".



- Thierry Moreau

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