On Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 9:24 AM, Perry E. Metzger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   Despite previous reassurances about the security of the system,
>   Nate Lawson of Root Labs claims that the unique identity numbers
>   used to identify the FasTrak wireless transponders carried in cars
>   can be copied or overwritten with relative ease.

Nate hasn't disclosed details of the code that wirelessly overwrites a
transponder's ID.  The temptation would be too great for many to copy
an annoying neighbour's transponder ID, and then drive through a busy
mall parking lot cloning it onto every transponder in proximity.

As mentioned in the article, the vendors have claimed it was
read-only, even though it uses flash memory (I guess technically they
could cut the write line in manufacturing, but realistically that was
highly unlikely even before Nate did this work).  I would speculate
that they just looked at the high level design, which didn't contain
any specifications for features to write to memory, and decided that
meant 'read-only'.  In the meantime, the implementers don't see any
harm in adding a few extra features *beyond* what is in the design
(viz.: the overwrite code) especially where that might be useful for
testing and diagnostics.

As an aside: Isn't it noteworthy how much less press this has gotten
than the Boston subway hacks, even though it is (IMO) of much greater
severity?  There might be a lesson there for the Massachussetts Bay
Transit Authority.


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