On Nov 8, 2009, at 2:07 AM, John Levine wrote:

At a meeting a few weeks ago I was talking to a guy from BITS, the
e-commerce part of the Financial Services Roundtable, about the way
that malware infected PCs break all banks' fancy multi-password logins
since no matter how complex the login process, a botted PC can wait
until you login, then send fake transactions during your legitimate
session.  This is apparently a big problem in Europe.

I told him about an approach to use a security dongle that puts the
display and confirmation outside the range of the malware, and
although I thought it was fairly obvious, he'd apparently never heard
it before.
Wow.  *That's* scary.

When I said I'd been thinking about it for a while, he
asked if I could write it up so we could discuss it further.

So before I send it off, if people have a moment could you look at it
and tell me if I'm missing something egregiously obvious?  Tnx.

I've made it an entry in my blog at

Technical content is fine, with one comment: You don't need a big keyboard to allow for a secure "user login": Even a single one will do. You'd have a list of, say, 5 key words that you memorize. When the device turns on, it flashes a set of 10 words across the screen, one at a time for 1 second a piece (times/numbers subject to usability testing). Exactly one is from your list of 5; you need to press the button while your word is on the screen. Repeat this process 3 times and the chance of guessing the right words is 1 in a thousand. (Yes, someone can watch you using the device, but if it continues to the end of the set of 10 even after you press the button, it's a bit of a challenge to know which one you picked - and of course they could watch you type your password.)

It does need another pass for typos and such - e.g., "to defeat attacks that steal credentials and reuse *it* to set up another session later".

I think $50 is a very high estimate. (Lynn Wheeler has described a design for a more powerful version of such a device that, as I recall, came in well under this figure a couple of years back.) Note that if the bank supplies the device - so that it necessarily knows any secret contained in it, and it's designed to be resistant to attempts to determine the secrets in it - then you don't need to use public key crypto; symmetric algorithms are just fine. These require very little compute power and memory.

Once you assume that the secure endpoints are the device and the bank, the connection between the device and the PC is something you don't need to worry about. For somewhat higher cost than USB, you can use Bluetooth. Then the device can be anything. Look at the iPod shuffle and imagine how Apple might build such a thing. It could easily become a fashion accessory - a bank could get a lot of marketing mileage out of providing a fob with some famous designer's name on it.
                                                         -- Jerry

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