On Sep 17, 2011, at 8:54 PM, Arshad Noor wrote:

> When one connects to a web-site, one does not trust all 500 CA's in
> one's browser simultaneously;

Actually, that is exactly the situation.

If, and only if, the person operating the browser inspects the certificate 
chain and knows what to expect — e.g. that the real accounts.google.com is 
signed Verisign -> Thawte -> accounts.google.com — then they can be fooled by 
any misuse of any of the ~1,500 signing certificates. In effect, the user 
either expects and understands all this complicated stuff, or they expect and 
understand one bit of information ("Did I get a padlock in the URL bar or not").

Obviously, people don't know what exact certificate chains to expect for 
arbitrary sites.

Because the information available to most people is just that one bit, they are 
exposed on every connection to every signer. Thus, having more signers or 
longer certificate chains does not reduce the probability of failure; it gives 
attackers more chances to score a hit with (our agreed-upon hypothetical) 0.01 
probability. After just 100 chances, an attacker is all but certain to score a 
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