>> I think it is a policy question. If I were making a software development 
>> system that used certificates with both expiration dates and revocation, I 
>> would check both revocation and expiry. I might consider it either a warning 
>> or an error, or have it be an error that could be overridden. After all, how 
>> can you test that the revocation system on the back end works unless you can 
>> generate revoked software?
> I'm not sure what you mean.

By policy, I mean that you decide what it's supposed to mean, which is what you 
get to at the end of this. 

But in the rest of paragraph reflects that I am a systems developer and if I am 
trying to debug why something that is revoked is (or isn't) working when it 
shouldn't (or should), then I have to create things that are error conditions.

I also once worked on a secure microprocessor, and there were many ways to 
permanently kill it. 

>> On a consumer-level system, I might refuse to install or run revoked 
>> software; that seems completely reasonable. Refusing to install or run 
>> expired software is problematic -- the thought of creating a system that 
>> refuses to work after a certain date is pretty creepy, and the workaround is 
>> to set the clock back. 
> Yup.  In fact, it's more than creepy, it's an open invitation to Certain 
> Software Vendors to *enforce* the notion that you just rent software.

I know I wouldn't buy such a system.

>> But really, it's a policy question that needs to be answer by the creators 
>> of the system, not the crypto/PKI people. We can easily create mechanism, 
>> but it's impossible to create one-size-fits-all policy.
> Right now, I'm speaking abstractly.  I'm not concerned with current PKIs or 
> pkis or business models or what have you.  If you'd prefer, I'll rephrase my 
> question like this: Assume that there is some benefit to digitally-signed 
> code.  (Note carefully that I'm not interested in how the recipient gets the 
> corresponding public key -- we've already had our "PKI is evil discussion" 
> for the year.)  Given that there is a non-trivial probability that the 
> private signing key will be compromised, what are the desired semantics once 
> the user learns this.  (Again, I'm saying nothing about how the user learns 
> it -- CRLs or OSCP or magic elves are all (a) possible and (b) irrelevant.)  
> If the answer is "it depends", on what does it depend?  Whose choice is it?  
> Let's figure out what we're trying to accomplish; after that, we can try to 
> figure out how to do it.

I think that's the central problem we're dealing with. There is scads of 
mechanism and little policy.

I also don't think we're going to agree on what policy should be, except within 
limited contexts.


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