On 2012-02-22 12:31 PM, Kevin W. Wall wrote:
> 1) They think that key size is the paramount thing; the bigger the
> better.
> 2) The have no clue as to what cipher modes are. It's ECB by default.
> 3) More importantly, they don't know how to choose a cipher mode (not
>      surprising, given #2). They need to understand the trade-offs.
> 4) They have no idea about how to generate keys, derived keys, IVs,
> 5) They don't know what padding is, or when/why to use it.
> 6) They have a very naive concept of entropy...where/when to use it
>  and from where and how to obtain it.

The debian debacle was none of the above - the patch was simply obviously stupid even if one had no idea about what the software was supposed to be doing.

One poster claimed that left wing politics trumped competence, resulting in idiots in charge. This seems plausible, since it was absurd to introduce left wing politics into a linux distro. Since left wing politics was introduced, those introducing it pretty much have to be morons.

As to why the Wifi consortium keeps getting it wrong time after time after time, I do not know, but it was none of the above errors, and as far as I know, I cannot blame the left for that lot.
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