> But this sounds to me like a very general answer which was probably
> prepared ahead of time to reveal the minimal amount of information. For
> this reason I don't think it should be interpreted as referring to SSH
> or PGP specifically. But the phrase "depending on the type and quality
> of the encryption" would seemingly rule out endpoint hacks.
> Perhaps someone who knows German can better interpret it.

The general feeling is, as someone put it here, it means everything and
nothing, a fog of words. Something like "we're able to store encrypted
streams and try some brute-force on it later, also the known attacks
against weaknesses and such. But if the protocols are executed
flawlessly and implementations have no weaknesses, we don't stand a
chance. Also, we've got out Bundestrojaner, and if we use that, we're on
your system and you're practically defenceless. Never mind that it's in
the face of the constitution and actually so badly written it violates
some of the really important and very distinct guidelines that the
courts have given us."


Ralph Holz
Network Architectures and Services
Technische Universität München
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