On 30 May 2012, at 16:26, Wyss, Felix wrote:
> What about including a random salt when generating the key from the master 
> password?  The application could either generate the salt for you on first 
> use (and recommend writing it down and keeping in a safe place) or allow 
> entering an existing salt (e.g. when transferring to a new device).
> That would make password guessing practically infeasible and two users 
> sharing the same master password won't inadvertently break the system.

You're proposing adding a second secret to the mix.  While interesting in the 
sense that it guards against both loss of a master password and rainbow tables, 
I'd rather avoid introducing any factors that can easily become lost to the 

I imagine introducing a username to the scheme as a salt, as proposed by Jon 
Callas, would create sufficient protection against rainbow tables.

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