Hello everyone, I would like to introduce you to a communications protocol I
have been working on called Bitmessage. I have also written an open source
client released under the MIT/X11 license. It borrows ideas from Bitcoin and
Hashcash and aims to form a secure and decentralized communications protocol
which also doesn't rely on trust. Criticism of the X.509 certificate system
is understandably common in this listserv (and also increasingly common in
more public forums); Bitmessage instead uses Bitcoin-like addresses for
authentication. It has a 'broadcast' and 'subscription' feature which other
people have described as a decentralized Twitter and also aims to hide
"non-content" data, like the sender and receiver of messages, from passive
eavesdroppers like those running warrantless wiretapping programs. It may
also be possible to be strong against active attackers although I'm not yet
making that claim.


A primary goal has been to make a clean and simple interface so that the key
management, authentication, and encryption is simple even for people who do
not understand public-key cryptography. I'm sure that there is quite a bit
of demand for such a program and protocol although I am currently not
actively promoting it because it has not been independently audited.


I would be interested to hear your comments. The website
https://bitmessage.org links to various resources like a short whitepaper
describing how the protocol works and what its goals are (
https://bitmessage.org/bitmessage.pdf ) and the source code on Github (
https://github.com/Bitmessage/PyBitmessage ). The main source code file is


Bitmessage is written in Python and uses an OpenSSL wrapper called
pyelliptic (written by a different individual) to implement ECIES and ECDSA.

Again I look forward to hearing comments; it is always easier to change or
add to a protocol earlier than it is later.

All the best,

Jonathan Warren





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