This is precisely how I2P eepsites work. The true addresses are [52
characters of b32 encoded checksum of public key].b32.i2p while the
hosts.txt file is a list of these with their readable [sitename].i2p
domains. You can modify your own lists as you wish.

I2P Messenger and Bote mail could be combined to do what you suggest. :)

- Sent from my tablet
Den 17 feb 2013 01:39 skrev "James A. Donald" <>:
> On 2013-02-17 4:49 AM, Jonathan Warren wrote:
>> A primary goal has been to make a clean and simple interface so that the
key management, authentication, and encryption is simple even for people
who do not understand public-key cryptography.
> ________________________________
> This is of course, the hard problem.
> If I understand correctly what you have done, in the system, true names
are long random non memorable bit strings, and introductions are not
inherently part of the system, nor are petnames part of the system.
> So no one has anyone to talk to, nor anything to talk about, and if they
did, they would have trouble recollecting who they were talking to, since
all truenames look like gibberish, thus all truenames look alike.
> ________________________________
> A proposed alternative user interface design:
> Seems to me that you need something like public web pages, and something
like a favorites list / bookmarks list, where when you add something or
someone to your list, a petname/truename pair is added to your bookmark
> Note how Tor's browser thinks it is communicating by http, while in
reality communicating by a completely different protocol.
> A link in the webpage would be nickname/truename pair, thus clicking on
such a link, you would be guaranteed to go to where the author the web page
intended (trusted path) and the destination would be capable of being added
to your bookmarks list.  The long random gibberish true name would almost
always be hidden behind nicknames, petnames, and trusted path links.
> When you click on something in your list, you either find yourself on a
webpage(by trusted path), or open a text message window to an individual,
by trusted path.  If the recipient is not currently dealing with your
window, (windows open simultaneously on both machines) messages get saved
and are available in an email like interface, so that instant messaging and
email are variant user interfaces on the same function.
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