Speaking as one of the two people who started that particular effort, it never 
quite worked out that way.

Way too many TLAs, law suits, IRS visits, and those who read their own press 
releases to make it nearly as enjoyable as it sounds.

---- Moritz <mor...@headstrong.de> wrote: 
> On 25.03.2013 09:25, Adam Back wrote:
> > because
> > its a silly domain that people who dislike inviting their addition to a
> > watch-list will avoid.
> Isn't exactly that a nice property of a "cypherpunks" list?
> > Maybe someone with a more neutral domain could try it - or a cypherpunks.*
> > domain if they have a listserv handy.
> "Cypherpunks is a distributed mailing list. A subscriber can subscribe
> to one node of the list and thereby participate on the full list. Each
> node (called a Cypherpunks Distributed Remailer [CDR], although they are
> not related to anonymous remailers) exchanges messages with the other
> nodes in addition to sending messages to its subscribers."
> --Mo
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