On 2013-05-21 12:41 PM, Jacob Appelbaum wrote:
James A. Donald:
James A. Donald:
No one on my buddy list has been taken over, or if they have, they
took care of it before I noticed.
On 2013-05-21 10:55 AM, Jacob Appelbaum wrote:

That is - how would they notice and if they were being logged, how would
*you* notice on your end?
I would notice, because they would spam me, this being the primary
income source and reproductive method for botnets.
You're not distinguishing between the classes of attacker that exist
here; they are not all the same. Police malware only spreads, for
example, when it needs coverage.

Police install malware by black bagging, and by the same methods as botnets. Both methods are noticeable.

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