On 24 Dec 2013 at 21:43, Peter Todd wrote:

> On Tue, Dec 24, 2013 at 09:39:22PM -0500, Bernie Cosell wrote:
> > [but I would vote strongly for having the list archived online!  That
> > makes searches of old threads and most every other 'benefit' of a
> forum 
> > available while not messing up the ongoing discussion mechanism at
> all]
> There's multiple archives of this mailing list, and starting you own
> is
> trivial:

Starting your own isn't helpful for this situation: you can't search for 
threads and refereneces that appeared before you joined the list.   If 
you're a newcomer and you see a 'reply', you can't go back to the head of 
the thread to see what they were talking about.

And I know I can archive stuff myself [easily!] via the email list, but 
I'd rather not have to store thousands of email messages on the off 
chance that some time in the future I might want to dig for something -- 
I'd really prefer there be a public "master" archive.

[of course within that, the very nice thing is that I can make a "little 
archive": just keeping the threads that I really am interested in, or 
marking them 'unread' as I archive them to remind me that i need to spend 
time looking more closely at them]

> http://lists.randombit.net/pipermail/cryptography/
> https://www.mail-archive.com/cryptography@randombit.net
> IMO ease of archiving and ease of passing around archives is one of
> the
> biggest strengths of mailing lists.

I agree!  But I think there should be at least one "official" one -- that 
is, one that is actually tasked with archiving the list and not just a 
happenstance archive.  For example, right now, I can't connect to 
www.mail-archive.com at all.  Firefox complains:

Unable to connect

Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at 

and I tried to lynx to it from a different server and got

Looking up www.mail-archive.com first
Looking up www.mail-archive.com
Making HTTP connection to www.mail-archive.com
Alert!: Unable to connect to remote host.

So that's not a handy archive.   But the first archive you mention is 
great -- I didn't know it existed: it should be publicized or something.  
I don't know if the RFCs permit it, but could there be a


header?  It'd be out of the way but easy to find [and only a click away 
in many eamil clients].

[but as a footnote, this one needs a search option -- how would you find 
the posts in which we had discussed TDES?


Bernie Cosell                     Fantasy Farm Fibers
mailto:ber...@fantasyfarm.com     Pearisburg, VA
    -->  Too many people, too few sheep  <--       

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