On Wed, Jan 1, 2014 at 3:56 AM, Ralph Holz <h...@net.in.tum.de> wrote:
> Hi Jake,
> Ian Grigg just made a point on metzdowd that I think is true: if you
> want to change the NSA, you need to address the [...]
> [... money] Because the chain goes like this:
> corporate money -> election campaigns -> representatives -> NSA

it should be noted that corporate money influence is currently aimed
at privacy eroding efforts in myriad manner.

you need to change the incentive to result in a privacy enhancing
impetus like this:
  corporate money -> election campaigns -> representatives ->
defunding much NSA/CIA/DoD actvity.

which is implemented not just in US, but all reasonable governments,
at the same time privacy aware corporations are implementing privacy
enhancing operations and software. this can be as simple as HTTPS only
with forward secret suites, or as significant as desired.

in other words: it's even more difficult! an effective response
requires cooperation of most governments and international corporate

there are tens and tens of billions that could be trimmed from the
black budget and DoD budget while preserving a minimal, defensive
force and command, allowing for targeted, HUMINT focused operations to
replace all wholesale and endemic COMSEC vulnerability exploiting

good luck finding the incentive of sufficient force, and defending
against the significant pushback!

best regards,
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