Den 24 jan 2015 22:06 skrev "Greg" <>:
> So, I understand that QM algos can pretty much dismantle all popular
asymmetric encryption algos with enough q-bits, but I haven't thought hard
enough to see if they also can be used to compromise communications that
used DH to do PFS underneath the initial handshake.
> Side question: is this the right list to ask this on, or is there other
ones I should try? (Is CFRG appropriate? Metzdowd is annoying with its long
moderation times...)

Key exchange like DH simplifies PFS but isn't strictly necessary. A
mechanism with temporary public keys where your main keys only sign the
temporary keys, and the temporary keys are used for exchange of nonces to
generate session keys (there are presumed quantum secure public key
algorithms!), would be sufficient as well if you delete the temporary
public keys the way DH secrets in regular PFS key exchanges are deleted

There are many hash based signature algorithms, and other types of public
key algorithms like lattice based and many others.
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