> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > In other words, when the MB is fried because of some freak electrical
> > surge, I'm screwed, because I can't put the HD into another machine
> > and get the data off it?
> What's wrong with your backups? :-)
> This is like a problem Windows already has: if you move a disk onto
> different hardware, more often than not you can't boot because the
> wrong Hardware Adaptation Layer info is in the disk's boot sector.  At
> least you can recover the data by mounting it as a second disk.

What's wrong is the backups are presumably encrypted in a way that requires
the cooperation of MS to read it on a machine other than the originator.

I'm not at all likely to become US president but if I were I'd consider
this an issue worth nuking Redmond for in office hours with no warning.

# Antonomasia   ant                      #
# See                        #

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