On Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 9:24 AM, Shivoam Malhotra <shivoam.malho...@gmail.com <mailto:shivoam.malho...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    What exactly is meant by 'Destruction model of the car?
    Also, turbo engine refers to a nitrous type effect right?

Hi Shivoam,

the idea list for the car racing project is based on the typical functionalities that are found in such games.

For the destruction model, typically a car racing game would have the different parts of the car that can be detroyed separately. For example a tire would end functioning or the car body would be deformed when they hit severly some other objects, or some window would broke and so on.

This would a priori need the ability to define several different models for each part of the vehicle, along the definition of the conditions when they get activated (eg when their individual life point count reaches some threshold).

For the turbo engine, this is a basic functionality that is also often found in car racing games, this is simply a temporary boost in the forward speed, plus a basic simulation of the consumption and time regeneration of the fuel needed for the boost.

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