Yeah this hardcoded fixation on maxrounds needs to go. It is currently
impossible to disable maxrounds (mp_maxrounds 0), it just changes the maps
over and over again.
We want timelimits like it's usually the case on public servers.

On Sun, Aug 12, 2012 at 4:02 PM, Charalambos Galanis <>wrote:

> ...even though I have changed the mp_maxrounds from gamemodes.txt or
> server.cfg to 20 or just disable it to 0.
> Anyone here to confirm this? Any fix? Or is it hardcoded for casual mode
> to be 10 and not changeable?
> I think they must make it like css scoreboard , if the game was time-based
> , you could see time remaining or if it was round based , you could see
> rounds remaining.
> Also , can you make an option (enabled or disabled) , when the final round
> end at casual mode, to be a swap team , exactly like halftime in
> competitive mode? (I have seen many pub servers swaping their teams at
> half-time).
> EDIT: When you set 20 rounds , you still see 10 rounds initially and
> counter goes to minus number , till -10 , for example "Rounds Left -10" end
> the game.
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