
I rethinked the whole thing and realized you also need to know that I'm running an AMD64 system and 64-bit version of Ubuntu.

Is there a quick fix for this bug? I'm not very fluent in python.


Jure Sah pravi:

CSpace refuses to connect (locks up during "going online"). Does anyone know a fix for this?

Thanks for any help in advance.

I am appending the log below:

listenport = 51068
finding live nodes...
done finding live nodes
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "/home/x/Programi/CSpace/cspace/dht/rpc.py", line 48, in _onRead
   self._onInput( data, fromaddr )
 File "/home/x/Programi/CSpace/cspace/dht/rpc.py", line 69, in _onInput
   op.notify( payload, fromaddr )
 File "/home/x/Programi/CSpace/nitro/async.py", line 18, in notify
   if self.callback : self.callback( *args, **kwargs )
 File "/home/x/Programi/CSpace/cspace/dht/rpc.py", line 142, in onResult
   self.op.notify( self.attempt, payload )
 File "/home/x/Programi/CSpace/nitro/async.py", line 18, in notify
   if self.callback : self.callback( *args, **kwargs )
File "/home/x/Programi/CSpace/cspace/dht/client.py", line 44, in onResult
   op.notify( errCode, payload )
 File "/home/x/Programi/CSpace/nitro/async.py", line 18, in notify
   if self.callback : self.callback( *args, **kwargs )
File "/home/x/Programi/CSpace/cspace/network/nodetable.py", line 148, in <lambda>
   lambda e,p : onPing(pingOp,e,p) )
File "/home/x/Programi/CSpace/cspace/network/nodetable.py", line 145, in onPing
File "/home/x/Programi/CSpace/cspace/network/nodetable.py", line 137, in doNotify
 File "/home/x/Programi/CSpace/nitro/async.py", line 18, in notify
   if self.callback : self.callback( *args, **kwargs )
File "/home/x/Programi/CSpace/cspace/network/nodetable.py", line 190, in onFindLive
   op.notify )
File "/home/x/Programi/CSpace/cspace/network/nodetable.py", line 182, in _findNewNodes
   lookupOp = dhtClient.lookup( destId, startNodes, onLookup )
 File "/home/x/Programi/CSpace/cspace/dht/client.py", line 90, in lookup
   lop = _Lookup( self, destId, startNodes, hookCallback ).getOp()
File "/home/x/Programi/CSpace/cspace/dht/client.py", line 203, in __init__
   self._newNode( nodeAddr )
File "/home/x/Programi/CSpace/cspace/dht/client.py", line 216, in _newNode
   info = _LookupNodeInfo( nodeAddr, self.destNumId )
File "/home/x/Programi/CSpace/cspace/dht/client.py", line 186, in __init__
   self.numId = idToNum(addrToId(nodeAddr))
 File "/home/x/Programi/CSpace/cspace/dht/util.py", line 56, in addrToId
   return toId( addrToStr(addr) )
 File "/home/x/Programi/CSpace/cspace/dht/util.py", line 51, in addrToStr
   ip = unpack( 'L', inet_aton(addr[0]) )[0]
 File "/usr/lib/python2.5/struct.py", line 87, in unpack
   return o.unpack(s)
struct.error: unpack requires a string argument of length 8
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