On 5/6/05, Peter O. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > ... to add a <style> block to the html body? I've read that it isn't,
> > but it seems to work. Is there any standards-related or logical reason
> > why this is not a good idea? IMO it's a bit of a hack, but preferable
> > to a whole load of inline styles. Thoughts, people?
> I'm not that experienced with browsers and how they parse incoming
> tagsoup, but I thought the idea was to get the style rules before the
> content so the page can be displayed as soon as part of the content has
> downloaded, _but with your style rules already applied_.
> Then again, I could also understand downloading the HTML first so the
> page can be displayed inmediately :S

I thought everyone would say it's invalid, but it is occasionally very
useful (and I don't see why it should be thought of any differently
than inline styling - a hack that works).

The case in point was a series of pages where the CMS puts an HTML
block (made by the content creators) inside a certain div. But one
particular page is styled differently. I could (and probably will
eventually) move the CSS for that special page into the site
stylesheet, but it works for now as a <style> block at the start of
the HTML block.

I used to rely on this more when I was first starting to use CSS, but
now I use an ID for each type of page, so it's much easier to single
out a particular element on a particular page - so a site can have
three or four different stylings of H2, say, depending on context.

Just wondered what people though of this practise.

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