At 05:59 PM 5/16/2005, Christy Collins wrote:
Is there a CSS way to make long URLs wrap?

Recently I approached this problem in a different way than I had before: rather than figure out how to include the entire longCrazyUrl onto the page, I decided to let it be partially hidden. My rationale is that most of the time people just need to navigate to an URL; the few that need to read or copy & paste the URL can easily do so through the browser user interface: mouse-hovering to get the title tooltip or right-clicking to get the link location.

My links page markup was a definition list:

   <dt>Name of the resource</dt>
      <a href="";

styled as:

      width: 30em;              /* constrain width */
      height: 1.5em;            /* constrain height */
      overflow: hidden;         /* hide excess */

So it might render like this:

        Name of the resource

I'm still trying to come up with a further improvement: I'd like an ellipsis (...) to appear at the right-hand edge of the container when the contents are truncated but not when they fit.

Doing the opposite is easy: I can display an image at the right edge that's covered up by long text and not by short text.

Any suggestions?


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