On 8/10/05, Jon Trelfa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm working on a site...it's *almost* complete with the exception of
> any IE5 hacks that I'll need...but I'm noticing something very very
> annoying.  When the vertical scrollbar appears, the whole thing kinda
> of "jumps" to the left until you click on a page that doesn't need the
> scrollbar.  How do I compensate for this while still keeping the
> content in the middle of the page?
> http://pmmco.esynergymedia.com

Err...nevermind...I already fixed it.  I set the following:

html {height:100%}
body {min-height:101%}

That was a snippet that I got from:

Basically, it forces the scrollbar to be there all the time rather
than just appearing when it needs to.  No more jumping ;)

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