> > does anyone know a technique to allow me to use a graphical nav bar,
> > but that is Bobby AAA compliant - as well as the usual standards
> > compliant and cross-browser compatible?
> The designer is the ultimate determinant of whether and how a site
> meets accessibility guidelines. There are too many nuances (and
> opinions).

This is a true statement if you replace "the designer" with "your
visitors". As the designer you are far too close to the project to
fathom its usability and accessibility.

To follow the AAA level of the guidelines of the WCAG (Bobby has
nothing to with that) you need to ensure that

- all images need textual replacements - which can be the alternative
text applied via the alt attribute
- text can be resized (which makes pure image navigations a no-no, but
text with pretty background images work nicely)
- foreground and background colours need to have enough contrast and
be unambiguous even to the colourblind.

AAA is a pretty tough level of the WCAG to adhere to - IMHO almost
impossible, as there are many "must haves" in the guidelines that just
don't work in browsers nowadays (tabindex/accesskeys).

AAA also involves a user testing cycle, AFAIR.

Chris Heilmann
Blog: http://www.wait-till-i.com
Writing: http://icant.co.uk/
Binaries: http://www.onlinetools.org/
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