Is there any possible way to make line breaks before closed tags actually
create a line break? I work with clients who have both flash and html sites
and am trying to make the html text look like flash due to flash's inability
to handle html correctly. 

Here's an example:


<p>Some text goes here<br></p><p>More text</p>

Html rendering:
Some text goes here
More text

Flash rendering:
Some text goes here

More text

This issue is the same with <div>, </li>, etc... 

Just to give you guys a better idea, right now I'm using coldfusion find and
replace to replace all "<br />" or "<br>" tags with "<br /><span
class="pixel">&nbsp;</span" and am giving the span.pixel a width, negative
margin, and overflow:hidden. This forces any case of <br /></p> to create a
space. The end result is good because it matches the way flash renders html,
but the client doesn't understand because they are working with a wysiwyg
editor in a CMS that is rendering text as it looks before coldfusion does
the find/replace.  It would be nice if I could use css on the <br /> to make
that act the same as a the <br /><span class="pixel">...


Any suggestions?


- Chad 


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