Thursday, November 10, 2005, 1:59:25 PM, Dan Kletter wrote:
> Drawback is colgroup is only supported by IE and limited to width,
> border, background and visibility styles.

Thanks to it's non-standard layout engine IE doesn't have these limitations
on styling via COL.  Nor do CSS2 browsers styling via adjacent siblings.

> adjacent sibling selectors. It's not very efficient.

How is it inefficient besides having to know which column you're
styling when you're writing the CSS?  There are plenty of cases where you
need to know markup structure to style it.  This is another one.

> Ideally, colgroup will be better supported in the future

True, but we'll probably be waiting quite some time.  In the meantime...

OT!  the easy solution to all this would be a Javascript that copies the
COL classNames to the cells, somehow dealing with spanned columns and rows.
Someone knock that out...but post it on another list ;)

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