I've been ripping my hair out over this for two days straight now, 
please help, I need to eat soon.

Maybe I'm using floats incorrectly, I'm not sure.

I'm laying out this site with a friend, it's my first collaborative 
project, and it's still in the early stages, I apologize for the messy 
css, my problem is here:
http://www.mentallyregarded.com/discussion.php  Be careful, there's some 
random (albeit harmless) profanity in there.
The floats!!!!
I'm floating the buttons to the right, but IE and Firefox want to throw 
in a line break before them each time, is this behavior correct?  Opera 
displays it without the line break.  I also tried floating the "last 
post" information (.subtitle) and had the same preblem, it doesn't seem 
right, I've tried a million different ways to coax firefox into 
displaying this correctly, to no avail.  Am I wrong?  Can I not use 
floats this way?

Thanks for the help

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