On Jan 14, 2006, at 8:06 PM, Tina Clarke wrote:

> Ah the schoolboy humour
> It's the nut behind the wheel that does the job and yes I'm not  
> that good at
> it .. it's merely my hobby  and I'm just a housewife, so who cares?

I hope you didn't read my comment about FrontPage as a judgement on  
you or users of FrontPage in general -- that's just not the case.  
Like the forthcoming iWeb, I think these tools are great for the  
democratization of the web, despite the fact that they produce less- 
than-admirable HTML and CSS.  I would, however, love to see better  
standards support in the future.

> Why is it ,it's always men making the usual 'FrontPage put down'?  
> Oh.. yeah
> ... 'my car is bigger, sorry better than your car' syndrome ... so  
> why you guys do that.... another lightbulb moment.


Molly and Meryl are both women: it's not about gender or  
competitiveness, it's about pride in our craft and the medium we  
love.  And if you're helping people improve their pages, regardless  
of what tool they're making them with, you're doing a Good Thing too,  
and you have my support.

I'll just have to be better about framing my offhand remarks in the  
future :)

Matthew Levine (http://www.infocraft.com/)
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