Hi folks,

I've been teaching myself CSS - most recently via Dan Cederholm's 
book "Bulletproof Web Design" - and I'm having a strange problem with 
font sizing in IE6.

My test page (http://temporarius.massey.ac.nz/test6.asp) looks "fine" 
when I view it through FF, NS, Opera and IE6 on my development 
machine (XP, IIS 5.1) - the font size at the default settings for all 
the browsers is, for me, correct (how do I explain what correct looks like?!!)

However, when I shifted the test page onto my server, the fonts look 
one size too big in IE6 at its default text size of "medium", while 
they continue to look correct in FF, NN, Opera and IE6.

I've even resorted to downloading Cederholm's CSS from his own site 
(www.simplebits.com) which looks fine in my IE6 browser at the 
default (medium) font size view, but when I load those CSS files onto 
my server, the font size looks one size too big again (and FF, NS, 
and Opera continue to show the "right" size). (And when I download 
the files onto my development machine, IE6 displays the font size correctly.

What am I missing here - what basic mistake am I making?



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