Sander van Surksum wrote:
> I'm using the 3 colomn layout with a width of 775px. The leftnav has 
> a bg image en the rightnav has a border-left. Sometimes the leftnav, 
> content or the rightnav are longer as the others. So al the colomn 
> has to auto stretch but i can't figure out what i'm doing wrong.
> Is this posible with floating elements or do I have to use position:
>  absolute; for every colomn?

General advice: avoid using absolute positioning as main layout-method.
AP-layouts tend to become too rigid and inflexible - mostly because
IE/win has severe limitations when it comes to 4-side positioning.

OTOH: this...
...looks like a working solution - with absolute positioned elements and

You may also find this alternative useful...

...and Ryan Brill's 'negative margins' is still working well...

Other layouts along the same lines, using floats and flow, are around -
waiting for a search. Look in the css-d wiki also.
Most, if not all, can be styled for 'fixed width' and 'any column
longest - same apparent height' layouts.

I use a variant of Ryan Brill's 'negative margins' myself - which is
styled to fall back to fixed width in IE/win if one turns off javascript
support in that browser...
...but that layout-version may be a bit too complex with its
undocumented 'imageless faux columns' and other 'personal garbage', so
it's more of a demo of what one can do with floats and flow.

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