
This is really strange... I am developing a website and the dev team very much
would like to change the letter-spacing on most of the texts in the page.

I tried applying "letter-spacing: 3px;" or "letter-spacing: .2em" and in both
cases this works in IE, Opera, FF.

What DOES NOT work, though, is the same rule applied to FORMS! The faulty
browser is again (nothing surprising here!) IE 6. (I think, IE 7 beta 2 also
does not "read" letter-spacing).

I was trying to apply "letter-spacing: 3px;" to "select" in FORM but it simply
does not work! IE does not read it at all! Example:

#search2 select {
/* skip */
letter-spacing: 2px;

I was desperate... Then I tried to create a class and apply the letter-spacing
to it... like this:

#search1 select.select-l {
/* skip */
letter-spacing: 5px;

This (in my imagination) would apply the letter-spacing of 5px to the "select"
with class "select-l" in DIV with id "#search1". Nope! FF is ok, Opera is OK, IE
does not see this at all!

I tried googling for this bug but found nothing... :(

Should we forget about letter-spacing in the forms of this website, or there's a
CSS workaround?

Thanks! It's nothing very important, it just bothers me, why IE does not apply
letter-spacing when in FORM...


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