
I am trying to achieve a certain effect. I am trying to put a box on a
web page where the content (a box, say) is positioned - either
absolutely or using margins on top or sides - BUT I want it to always
remain the same height and have the content scroll nicely in that
area. Also, I would like to avoid using overflow: scroll and have a
scroll bar in the middle pf my page.

So I figured, if I could set margin-bottom to be always (total height
of the canvas) minus (fixed number of pixels) , and clip the rest of
the page, it would be as if my web page was scrolling inside of the
small box. The only problem (and therefor my problem with the bottom
margin) is that if the user enlarges his browser window, not all the
content will be shown (some of it will fall in the clipped area...)

Anyone an idea?

Frank Van Damme
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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