Hello, I am currently working on a layout for a friend, which can be 
found at http://www.exillon.com/test/ and the css is 
Rather than making the stretched/melted part of the background one huge 
image, I made a basic tiled version  for the straight lines and an 
postion: absolute floating box with the stretched/melted graphic over it.
Now in Firefox, the image looks fine. In IE6 for PC, though, the colours 
are showing up for some reason darker. The tiled version is a .gif and 
the floating image version is a .png. Would that be the cause for such? 
I've never seen an image rendered darker in one browser compared to 
another only due to it being a .png file. The only problems I recall 
that IE has with .pngs is transparency issues, which this does not have.
Also, would anyone be able to suggest how to best stretch a div, or any 
element,  the entire width of a page and be elastic? I noticed that if I 
shrink my window enough to show a horizontal scroll due to my temp 
stretched/melted background images size, the header and the footer both 
cut short of it. Is there a way to make this elastic as well?
One last request, if possible, would be if anyone would know how to best 
make a col stretch an entire page vertically but also have a footer 
remain beneath it, like mine has.
Please keep in mind that the layout is not complete. So if you want to 
make any critiques, at the moment I am merely tackling the layout.
Thank you,

PS. Sorry for not getting a chance to research too much of this on my 
own at the moment, I am tied up at work and I am not able to get to a PC.
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