This appears to be an exotic HTML issue, but I strongly suspect it's related to 
CSS, so I'm posting the question here.

This problem only appears in IE (tested in 6) and not in Firefox. It was sent 
to me by a client who can't figure out why the content area is popping out 
below the left menu. Oh, that's an easy one, right?

Here's a copy of the page: 

Look at it in IE6 and you'll see the problem right away. This page is a clone 
of all the rest of the pages at the site, all of which work fine. No the page 
doesn't validate and stuff, but just let that slide.

The problem resides in line 96. It's just a plain paragraph with an italicized 
phrase. Comment the paragraph out and the page works fine. But it's even 
weirder. The *specific* problem is in the phrase:
"Your Guide to College Success."

Add any string between "to" and "College" and the page works!

It has to be a letter; a non-breaking space doesn't do the trick. I can kludge 
it by doing a span in white and inserting a single letter, but I'd sure like to 
know what the heck is going on here!

I hereby consult the Collective Wisdom.

Skip Knox
Boise State University

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