Greetings from a CSS newbie;

I apologize in advance for violating the prohibition on posting code but 1) I 
have no where to put this yet, and 2) it's so trivial I'm hoping you'll allow 

Here's my problem.  I cannot get even a trivial piece of CSS working on 
Firefox.  It works as expected on IE6.

It's driving me NUTS!!!  I would really appreciate it if someone could point me 
in the right direction.  I've been searching the documentation, trying mods to 
everything I could think of, etc. and haven't gotten anywhere.

I'm working in Ruby on Rails on Win2K.

Here's my View code.

    <title>CSS Demo</title>
    <%= stylesheet_link_tag 'listdemo', :media => 'all' %>
    <h3>Three line list</h3>
    <div class = "Listline1">
       First line will be one color
    <div class = "Listline0">
        Second line will be different color
    <div class = "Listline1">
        Third line will be the same color as the first

Here's the Controller:

class ListdemoController < ApplicationController
  def index

Here's the stylesheet:

.Listline0 {
 background: ffffff;
.Listline1 {
 background: ffcccc;

I've gotta believe that I'm just missing some small but key piece of 
information.  I would really appreciate any help you could provide.

Thanks in advance,
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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