Stephanie Chausse wrote:
> I posted this site a couple weeks ago and got some great comments-thanks
> again-wondering if anyone would give another quick look..]
> Stephanie Chausse
Uwe answered the validation questions.
As far as the rest is concerned, Stephanie, I dunno, as mostly I don't 
remember what it was like before, and I can't exactly figure out what 
you are after now. Given that, some simple minded observations:
'About ' page.
1/ google error attempting to use search
2/ use text decoration or some other means of further distinguishing the 
content-text links -- bump the value(contrast) of the visited state
All pages
3/correct short page shift(a couple of pages)
4/There is no readable text in the header if one disables images-- and 
the content text becomes difficult to read
5/If colors are disabled the drop downs are hard to read.
6/ use a faux column on the page(s) that have a background color in the 
right column
7/ ditch the constant repetition on the font family throughout the style 
sheet-- personally, I'd ditch verdana, and arial, and just go with 
sans-serif, too-- but that's another story.
8/ call the js from an external file
Move to Boston where people are civilized.



Typography exists to honor content. 
--Robert Bringhurst

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