
Could someone have a look at a site that I've rebuilt. It is my first 
attempt at a proper website since starting to learn XHTML and CSS last 
year. Before that, I'd done a couple of sites using Front Pge, so it's 
been a great learning curve.

I've put the complete site here temporarily:

Anyway, I've rebuilt the National New Zealand Singing School web site 
and I'm having problems getting it to resize properly in IE6 and FF. The 
left hand column sticks up into the header when it's made bigger and 
when resized smaller, a gap appears between the column and the header.

Also, I've had to make the column a different height on every page so 
that it will reach the bottom of the page in IE, which invariably makes 
the column too long in FF. I think it's to do with the left column being 
absolute instead of relative, but when I try to rectify it by changing 
the css to position: relative, and in the html file moving the div to 
different positions, it just seems to make matters worse.

Here's the URL for the originaland current site, built by somebody else.

If anyway has any suggestions I would be most grateful.



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