Michael Martin wrote:

> (http://www.deviantdidg.com/glyph)

> CSS error:
> http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/validator?uri=http://www.deviantdidg.com/glyph
> I have had a look at the CSS & can't find anything wrong with
> it (it validates in Dreamweaver's Browser Check).

It says you first need to validate your XML document. That's not 
the CSS file, but your XHTML code.
On line 95 I find a missing space before target='_blank' . Would 
that be it?

> Also, I seem to be failing the WAI validation on this:
> 4.3 Identify the primary natural language of a document.
>    * Rule: 4.3.1 - Documents are required to use the META
> element with the 'name' attribute value 'language' in the
> Head section.

ISTM that you need to add <META name="language" 
content="[english]" />
(I think either en-us or en-gb is what you fill in there)

>          o Note: This rule has not been selected to be
> verified for this checkpoint.
>    * Rule: 4.3.2 - The HTML (Root) element must use the 'lang'
> attribute.
>          o Failure - The HTML (Root) element does not use the
> 'lang' attribute.

Seems clear enough? Add the 'lang' attribute to the <html> 

None of this is CSS though, so OT for the list.


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