Go sha wrote:
> ... Please let me know (and
> forgive me) if I break any of the lists' rules... 

Hello Sharon.

It is more likely to get help when you offer an URL to a valid testcase.

> I have a list that displays information of certain items. ...  I
> had to absolutely position elements within the list.

This required to relatively position the list item. And for IE, you had 
to add a height to the li to allow for bottom-positioning.

> To save space, a tooltip was required from within the list. But (I
> think) because the other list item (boxes) below are relatively
> positionned, the tooltip shows up _under_ the subsequent items, only
> in IE!

The problem in IE is, that any dimensioned element with a 
position:relative establishes a new stacking context. This is wrong, and 
it is still wrong in IE7.

You can simulate this wrong behavior in the good browsers by adding a 
z-index:1 to the first relatively positioned list item and z-index:2 to 
the second. The stacking context is the basis for any stacking operation 
within this block. The tooltip pops up under the second block, because 
nothing inside this stacking context 1 will ever escape to render above 
block 2, no matter what z-index you apply to a positioned child.

I do not see an elegant solution. I think you'll have to apply a higher 
z-index:2 to the first block and z-index:1 to the second, which should 
be no big problem for generated content.

An alternative is to omit the position:relative and rethink the 
positioning inside the list entry.

Or, you could dimension the tooltip as a rectangle in landscape format 
and position the tooltip with a more negative x-offset.

> <li>
> <div class="list-item">

<li class="list-item">

> <div class="header"><h2>&#160;</h2></div>

<h2 class="header"> ...

and so forth.

><div class="song_inplaylist">
><a href="#">
>In playlist

It is not allowed to have a div inside a link. Use a span with 

<a href="#" class="song_inplaylist">In playlist<span> .... </span></a>

You should validate your code. The web developer toolbar extension for 
Fx comfortably sends a page to the W3C validator.


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