I'm commenting on this since the road one chooses, definitely affects
how our CSS-styled pages are rendered and/or our approach to web design.

Holly Bergevin wrote:
> Most people recommend using a valid, 
> standard-compliance-mode-rendering doctype to be placed on page to 
> make most browsers render things in a similar way. If you decide to 
> keep IE6 in quirks mode for your page, you can place a comment, or an
>  XML declaration above  the doctype (if you use XHTML) to make that 
> browser behave like its relatives, IE5 and IE5.5. There will still be
>  many differences you will have to account for with the IEs this way,
>  as compared to better browsers. Some people do this all the time 
> (you know who you are...)

(sure do :-) )

> ...and some, perhaps most people don't, chosing instead to keep IE6 
> in standard-compliance mode.

I most often recommend 'standard-compliance mode' to others - especially
to those somewhat new to CSS based layouts. However, I myself leave
mode-switching to the browser, since I use an XHTML doctype with an XML
declaration on top.
Not my fault that IE6 is broken on that point too, and it works to /my/
advantage[1]. IE6 isn't standard-compliant in any mode, so no big deal, IMO.

I approach the layout in such a way that it doesn't really matter which
mode (or mood) IE6 is in, so I can switch mode back and forth in IE6
without getting any major rendering-differences. That's all CSS, and
pretty simple once one gets used to it - just like everything else in
web design.

I *recommend* that our creations are provided with a doctype that'll
trigger standard mode[2] in standard-compliant browsers, so they default
to the same standards. That is the only way to secure that the outcome
of our work with CSS-layouts is somewhat close to what we want across
browser-land. IE6 will always be "off", but not by much :-)

Think that's it on the subject ;-)


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