At 6:38 PM -0400 8/31/06, ~davidLaakso wrote:

>  > [... I can't figure out why the
>>  nav bar is adding extra space under itself. It is sort of the
>>  opposite of margin collapse!
>>  (And the extra space seems to be under both the top and bottom nav
>>  bars in IE on a PC, but only under the bottom nav bar in FF on a Mac.
>>  If you or someone could give the CSS a quick glance, and are able to
>>  spot anything, that'd be great.
>  >
>Well, I think you need a little space above and below the nav. Not a
>good idea to set height. Good idea to check your page with 200% zoom in
>compliant browsers, and text-size 'largest' in IE. Beyond that,a others
>will have to explain the theory. This is as close as I was able to get
>cross-browser. Someone else may do better for you.

I realize that the design breaks at the largest text-size. Probably I 
should study your site's code to see how you accommodated expansion 
of the width of the page when larger type sizes are chosen. 
Alternately, I may take the two photos across the bottom of the page, 
shrink them to fit under the right-hand column, and just have a 
simple nav-bar under the right-hand column and let the left column 
text expand down unencumbered when enlarged.

>/*#navcontainer { entire ruleset not needed
>    width: 770px;
>     height: 26px;
>    margin: 0px 0px 5px 0px;
>     } */
>Re-set the lead so it won't clip on zoom (and you set the leading twice).
>#navcontainer ul
>{font: 900 90%/1.4/*normal*/ 'palatino linotype', palatio, georgia,
>'times new roman', times, serif;
>/*line-height: 18px*/
>This is an ie specific filter-- you may want to put it in a conditional
>comment when you get further along.
>Eliminate the padding and re-set the lead for ie.
>* html #navcontainer ul
>{ padding-top: 0; padding-bottom: 0; line-height: 1.6; }

Thanks. I'm not entirely sure I follow all that, but I'll try it out 
as best I can...

>PS Tidy Online <> and the w3c validation
>service(s) are your friends.

Yes, I've particularly used the w3c validation services; Tidy I'm not 
so familiar with. However, I only used the validation services about 
3 times today and kept trying different things to solve the spacing 
problem, so no doubt some weird code crept back in since I last ran 
it through.

Thanks once again!

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