Hi all,

        I'm looking for a 4 column CSS template, but I haven't been able to  
find quite what I'm after.  Here is a crude rendition of what I'd like:

| 1 ||      2     |
|   |+------------+
|   ||            |
|   ||            |
+---+|      3     |
      |            |
      |            |
      |            |
      |            |
|         4       |

Column 1 - Menu (fixed to top left)
Column 2 - Header (fixed to top)
Column 3 - Body (scrollable vertically)
Column 4 - Footer (fixed to bottom)

1] Columns 1, 2, and 4 will be absolute and stationary, and column 3  
will be scrollable.
2] Columns 2 and 4 should always be visible and ride above column 3,  
no matter the window size.
3] Column 1 should ride above column 4 (if it's tall enough)
4] Columns 2, 3, and 4 should be expandable to the right (fluid?) to  
fill the browser window, but always hug column 1, which will be a  
fixed width.
5] Columns 1 and 2 should be able to 'expand' vertically, depending  
on their content.
6] There should be no gaps between columns

        I've tried to be as concise as possible, so let me know if you need  
more information than what I've given here.

Thank you,
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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