Hello all,
Been trying to mess with this problem for a few days, can't seem to
solve it although made some interesting discoveries...
I place a comment after an element which clears the previous floats like so...

<div class="clearFloat"></div><!-- clears previous floats: -->
seen here

In IE6 it messes up the clear:both it seems; in FF its fine...
If I take that specific comment out (which you can see by clicking
that link on that page),
IE does a little better, the green background color of the div which
contains the floats inside it is expanded to where it 'kinda' should
be .... but if you look at the bottom, it still doesnt quite clear the
floats correctly, as the green background color leaks into the div
below it.

Looking for two answers
1. Why does the comment cause this issue, is an issue like this
documented in IE?
2. Even if the comment is taken away, why don't the floats get cleared
completely? (as seen in the green background-color of #body3 leaking
into the #containerBottom1 div)

Can anyone help?
Thanks in advance,
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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