Joan Justifiably Jotted...

> A website I am working on has a glitch and I cannot figure out why  
> it is happening.
> The top navigation in the upper right corner (see code below) is  
> the location of the problem.
> (snip, slash)
> In Internet Explorer (not in Opera, Netscape nor Mozilla)  when the  
> mouse gets close to this top navigation, the footer moves up the  
> page. The mouse has to be moved back down for the footer to move  
> back down. I have removed the footer and removed the "return to  
> top" trying to isolate the culprit causing the problem. When I  
> removed the above topMenu  the problem no longer existed.  But that  
> doesn't really solve the problem as we don't want to remove the  
> navigation.

Joan, here's another problem you have. See my screenshot at http:// and notice what's  
happening with the header image. It shows that way in Safari 2.0.4.  
Firefox doesn't cut off quite so much of the phrase, "Natural Healing  
& Health Solutions", and Opera cuts off a bit more.

Netscape looks good, as does IE/Mac, but (if you care about IE/Mac)  
there's another oddity...when I mouse over the Home button, but not  
actually over the word "home", the
Services button changes to hover mode; when I hover over the box for  
About Us, before hitting the actual text, the Products button changes  
to hover mode; this activity continues all the way down the line. But  
wait there's more! When I hover about two inches to the left of the  
Home button, just about under the "N" in "Natural", the Home button  
goes to hover mode. Move over to about 1inch away, under the "H" in  
Healing, and the About Us button goes to hover mode. And the Services  
button goes into hover mode at the first water droplet the the left  
of the Home button. Now, that's just plain wierd!

Sorry I can't give you any suggestions on this one...I'm a rank  
beginner...but I'm sure the geniuses on this list can help you out.

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